Runtime intelligence software (usually referred to as simply ‘RI’), is a method of gauging, analyzing and collecting data or information on the use of software applications. Different professions, and different people, tend to have an assortment of names for the same ability, so when we say ‘runtime intelligence’ we also mean: software intelligence, software business intelligence, software usage analytics and so forth.
In essence, RI is used as a tool to measure the reach and impact of specific net applications within a business and give reliable data in order to forecast future decisions within the company and its future software/apps themselves (where to place future investments, how finalized projects will run in reality and so forth).
What are the benefits of taking use of runtime intelligence?
In order to make informed decisions about where to next take a project, or what edits may need to be carried out, software engineers and developers need to have solid, reliable feedback on the applications themselves.
Runtime intelligence, such as web applications like Little Software Stats, allow you to answer the pertinent questions:
- In what way will this piece of software function when it is released to the public?
- Which features of the software are the most prominent or being used the most?
- How many users can the software handle, and under what conditions?
- What problems or bugs are there, how can I fix these and how often do they crop up?
Runtime intelligence allows the engineers to answer all of these questions and more, through its beta use monitoring capabilities. This also allows for a better relationship between business and customer – it’s really all a massive plus for any company that chooses to head down the runtime intelligence route.
Additionally, truly efficient, professional runtime intelligence software will be compatible with all or most predominant platforms, such as .Net, WinRT, Java, C++ and mobile phone operation systems.
What does a good example of professional runtime intelligence software look like?
There are many different avenues, brands and titles a business can invest in when they are looking for appropriate runtime intelligence, making it difficult to decide.
However, there are few better places to start than by checking out some of the free, web based software initiatives that exist; especially if you are new to the whole process – as this won’t be a risky investment, nor an overly technical aspect to wrap your head around.
As mentioned in a previous paragraph, Little Software Stats is one such free, open source application that quickly adheres to any software or application, giving developers an immediate, effective and concise reflection of how their software is being used.
It quickly becomes clear that the question should not be ‘why should I use runtime intelligence with my software’ but ‘why shouldn’t I?’. The flexibility and priceless data that this form of data analysis can provide for software developers and work-in-progress projects is beyond reckoning.
To delve into the fragile world of software engineering and development, without the safety net of runtime intelligence is an increasingly risky move to make – so why chance it?