Be Aware Of These Apps-holes

This post is to bring to light the few people out there that thinks it is okay to take Little Apps’ software and sell it without permission. These people think that it’s totally fine to take somebody elses hard work, change a few things and sell it like they created it. They do not realize the time that goes into making this software nor do they know anything about licensing. All these people seem to care about is how they can profit off of it.

Another Project Completed

I haven’t been busy lately so I thought this would give me some time to work on another project. This time the project was a link shortener which was coded in PHP and MySQL. The “Little URL Shortener” is all custom coded (except for a few parts) and the design comes straight from a PSD (which I have permission to use). All of my projects are open source, so of course this one is too. This time I have the code hosted on GitHub instead of Launchpad.